introducing Perfecting Neck & Décolleté

October 4, 2013

Specifically formulated for the delicate skin on the neck and chest, PCA SKIN’s newest corrective product, Perfecting Neck & Décolleté, provides rapid results for smoother, younger-looking skin. This luxurious cream delivers unmatched results in as little as one to five weeks. A truly unique treatment product, Perfecting Neck & Décolleté treats a wide range of conditions commonly seen on the neck and chest, including wrinkling, laxity, hyperpigmentation and persistent redness.

ingredient profile

One of the most compelling new ingredients included in the new Perfecting Neck & Décolleté is the latest generation of matrix-building peptides, palmitoyl tripeptide-38. This newly developed amino acid chain has demonstrated the ability to increase the production of six highly important dermal and epidermal components, as well as an important protein:

  • Collagen I
  • Collagen III
  • Collagen IV
  • Fibronectin
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Laminin-5
  • Heat Shock Protein 47 (HSP47)

This remarkable product also boasts calcium hydroxymethionine, formulated and tested specifically for the delicate tissue of the neck and chest; grape fruit cell extract; niacinamide; rye seed extract; and retinol.

incorporating Perfecting Neck & Décolleté

For optimal results, apply a dime-sized amount of Perfecting Neck & Décolleté twice daily. Although there are myriad PCA SKIN product combinations, the following product pairings address the more apparent signs of aging: wrinkling and laxity, hyperpigmentation and persistent redness.

Questions? Head on over to or call a member of the PCA Practice Development Team at 877.PCA.SKIN [722.7546].

the strength of an anti-aging peptide

August 27, 2013

One of the most compelling new ingredients included in the new Total Strength Serum is the newest generation of matrix-building peptides, palmitoyl tripeptide-38.

This newly developed amino acid chain has demonstrated the ability to increase the production of six highly important dermal and epidermal components:

  1. Collagen I – the most abundant form of collagen in the human body, present in scar tissue, healing and repair; it is estimated that over 90% of all collagen found in the body is type I.
  2. Collagen III – often called the collagen “of youth,” produced by young fibroblasts and during the early phases of wound healing.
  3. Collagen IV – forms the bases of cell membranes and works closely with laminin-5, anchoring keratinocytes.
  4. Fibronectin – involved in many processes, including tissue repair and cell migration/adhesion, and found in the extracellular matrix (ECM); fibronectin acts as an anchor, adhering cells to collagen and binding various components within the ECM.
  5. Hyaluronic Acid – key component of the ECM, necessary for proper dermal function such as water retention in the tissue; it also regulates activity in cell proliferation and migration (wound healing) in the dermis and the basal layer (dermal-epidermal junction).
  6. Laminin 5 – also a key component of the ECM, involved in the healing of injured epidermal cells; also plays a role in migration and anchoring keratinocytes.

The final component is Heat Shock Protein 47 (HSP47), a “chaperone protein” functioning as a support for maturing collagen and other matrix components to ensure they reach maturation; HSP47 acts like a project manager, making sure the synthesis of these six major components of the ECM work at their highest potential.

With all six of these components, as well as HSP47, synthesizing in an organized fashion, patients will see a lifting, smoothing effect when Total Strength Serum is used twice daily. Due to the advanced capacity of this peptide, patients will also see a noticeable reduction in the appearance of wrinkle volume and an improvement in the appearance of cutaneous roughness.

Questions about PCA SKIN’s new Total Strength Serum? Call us at 877.PCA.SKIN [722.7546] or visit

introducing the new Total Strength Serum

August 20, 2013

As a company committed to continuous improvement, and bringing new and innovative products to our customers and their patients, we are thrilled to introduce the newest addition to the PCA SKIN anti-aging family of products:

 Total Strength Serum

This next generation peptide and epidermal growth factor product strengthens the structure of the skin, and minimizes the appearance of fine lines and pores. In addition to this exciting new peptide blend, patients will also benefit tremendously from rh-Oligopeptide-1 (EGF), glycosaminoglycans, glycerin, sodium hyaluronate, vitamin E, coconut fruit extract and honeysuckle extracts to synthesize collagen production and reduce the loss of elasticity.

who is Total Strength Serum for?

Total Strength Serum is indicated for twice daily full-face application for those with any age-related concerns. It is appropriate for patients looking to add an anti-aging serum as a preventative measure, or as an added boost to a current aging regimen.

key features

  • Total Strength Serum contains a next generation peptide ingredient blend
  • EGF stimulates cells to repair and reproduce healthy cells
  • A singular product that addresses loss of elasticity, enlarged pores, loss of collagen production and wrinkling
  • No formaldehyde donors, fragrance or parabens have been used

key benefits

  • Total Strength Serum is intended for full-face application
  • This product will strengthen skin structure and increase collagen synthesis
  • When used twice daily, this product helps reduce loss of elasticity and minimizes the appearance of pores

what does it pair well with?

Total Strength Serum pairs well with several PCA SKIN corrective products:

  • ExLinea® Peptide Smoothing Serum – for the ultimate in anti-aging prevention and correction
  • Intensive Age Refining Treatment™: 0.5% pure retinol night – for fast anti-aging results with double the collagen building action
  • C-Strength 15% and 20% with 5% Vitamin E – for a boost in collagen synthesis and antioxidant protection

For more information about Total Strength Serum, head over to or call a member of the PCA team at 877.PCA.SKIN [722.7546].

the excellent eyeXcellence

March 14, 2013

Did you know the skin around the eye area is substantially thinner than the rest of the face? Constant blinking, smiling and squinting tend to contribute to visual aging in this area as well. Moreover, the eye area contains almost no oil glands, making it prone to dryness. The PCA SKIN® triple-action eye cream eyeXcellence reduces the appearance of puffiness, dark circles and wrinkles around the eye area.

PCA SKIN's eyeXcellence

PCA SKIN’s eyeXcellence

Its combination of three peptides leaves the eye area looking smooth, even and bright. Moisturizing properties leave skin glowing and hydrated.

Dipeptide-2 – improves lymphatic circulation to more effectively remove toxins from the skin.

Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7 – is a peptide consisting of four amino acids that helps boost the appearance of skin firmness and is calming to the skin.

Palmityol Pentapeptide-4 (Matrixyl®) – is a peptide consisting of five amino acids that has been proven to boost the appearance of skin firmness, and dramatically reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Licorice Root Extract – has calming properties. Licorice preserves the effect of the body’s hormone, cortisol, allowing it to maintain extended soothing action. It is also an effective brightening ingredient.

eyeXcellence also contains grape seed extract to lock in moisture and aloe vera for its soothing properties. This lightweight yet moisturizing eye cream easily glides on and absorbs quickly, making it ideal for use under makeup. The fragrance-free formulation is non-irritating and can be used by those who have sensitive eyes.

The eye cream can be used twice daily after applying PCA SKIN treatment serums and under any PCA SKIN broad spectrum SPF product or evening moisturizer. Accelerate results by combining eyeXcellence with A&C Synergy Serum®, Brightening Therapy® with TrueTone, ExLinea® Peptide Smoothing Serum or Hydrating Serum.

Have you tried eyeXcellence yet? Share your thoughts on this product in the comments below or on the PCA SKIN Facebook page.

ethnic skin treatment considerations

February 14, 2013

In further observance of Black History Month, we’d like to provide information about the uniqueness of ethnic skin. Skin color is primarily determined by melanin, a pigment produced by cells called melanocytes. While everyone has the same number of melanocytes, ethnic skin produces more melanin. There are physiological differences between lighter and darker skin, and those with Fitzpatrick types IV and above are prone to certain skin conditions. Understanding these distinctive characteristics is essential to successfully treating ethnic skin.

Patients with higher Fitzpatrick types have different treatment options than lower Fitzpatricks.

Patients with higher Fitzpatrick types have different treatment options than lower Fitzpatricks.

hyperpigmentation and scarring

Melanocytes are more active in those with darker skin, which may lead to more severe reactions from common conditions. This results in skin discolorations such as hyperpigmentation and melasma. Hyperpigmentation can be caused by skin damage from wounds or rashes that leave dark marks as the skin heals. Increased or uneven pigmentation from melasma tends to be more prevalent in ethnic skin. Higher Fitzpatrick types are also at greater risk of keloids (raised scar tissue) from skin injuries.

acne and PIH

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is the result of any type of cutaneous inflammation, such as acne. Higher Fitzpatricks have larger sebaceous glands, leading to more oil production. This often presents as comedones and papules. Comedones in darker skin display significant inflammation, often resulting in PIH.


Studies show the stratum corneum in higher Fitzpatrick types contains more layers and has been shown to be thicker and more compact. The dermis of higher Fitzpatricks takes longer to break down and exhibits fewer visible signs of aging. In general, those with darker skin tend to look up to 10 years younger than other ethnicities. However, transepidermal water loss (TEWL) tends to be greater in the skin of higher Fitzpatricks, making moisturization all the more important to prevent the skin from appearing “ashy.”

skin cancer

Many people of color often don’t use sunscreen as sunburn is rare. While dark skin provides some built-in protection from ultraviolet (UV) light, even the darkest skin color cannot protect against all UV-induced DNA damage. All Fitzpatricks should use a broad spectrum sunscreen daily. Although skin cancer is less common among people of color, it is likely to be more deadly once it presents as it is usually not diagnosed until advanced stages.

sun sensitivity

Many drugs can increase sun sensitivity, which can result in skin discoloration. It’s especially important to apply sunscreen or avoid the sun altogether when taking certain medications. These include birth control pills, antibiotics and anti-acne drugs, as well medicine for high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.

vitamin D deficiency

Sunlight stimulates skin to produce vitamin D. Darker skin offers better protection from UV light, but can result in vitamin D deficiency. Research shows that dark-skinned people living at relatively high latitudes have inadequate vitamin D levels. Health authorities recommend daily vitamin D supplements for people of color.

Feel free to call us at 877.PCA.SKIN [722.7546] or email us at with questions about treating ethnic skin.

combination therapies – the key to treating the aging face – part 1

September 28, 2012

We are all aging. It is a fact of life of which we are reminded every time we look in the mirror. Everyone ages differently, based on our genetics (intrinsic aging), and our lifestyle choices and environment (extrinsic aging). All of these factors paint the canvas of the skin we see today.

For this reason, we all show different signs of aging through the years; this means that each and every patient must have a unique regimen designed just for their skin type. We as clinicians must tailor professional treatments as well as daily care and be able to customize through the years in order to maintain long-term relationships. For example, if you first meet a patient at age 20, certainly the products and treatments you recommend for them will have to change as the patient progresses through their 30s, 40s, 50s, etc.

We must also be able to recognize just how much topical products and professional treatments will accomplish, and be able to recommend other types of treatments that will work alongside their current regimens.

Photo courtesy of

Let’s look at the bones of the face. Just as the bones of the spine and other parts of the body begin to lose mass, so do the bones of the face. As we age, our orbital bones become wider and the temple area also becomes hollow, for example. In addition, we lose adipose and other supportive tissues, such as collagen and elastin. All of this contributes to sagging skin. Since we cannot replace the bone loss, we can use dermal fillers to stimulate the collagen production to fill in the areas where bone and tissue loss has occurred. These types of treatments give a natural ‘lift’ to the face without the risks associated with surgery, or are an alternative to those who are not quite ready for surgery. There are also other types of fillers that will help with fine lines and wrinkles that can be used in conjunction with dermal fillers.

If you are not working in a medical facility where these types of injections are performed, consider building a referral relationship with a practitioner who does. Injections of any type won’t address skin health, hyperpigmentation, rosacea or other common skin conditions, as will regular professional treatments and continued use of SPF and daily care products. By combining therapies as our patients age, we will not only retain them for many years to come, but they will value their clinician’s ability to suggest other beneficial treatments available to them.